C# was created specifically for the Microsoft .NET platform in the beginning of the 2000s by a team of engineers headed by Anders Hejlsberg. С# and .NET are intrinsically linked and necessary for the creation of websites, Windows applications, databases and client-server applications. Updates and maintenance for C# and .NET websites is a pressing concern for many organisations and companies.
The sharp sign suffix in the language's name refers to the musical term, meaning “higher in pitch”. An average keyboard doesn't have a sharp symbol, so when typed it is usually replaced by the hash (#). It is the musical symbol (♯), however, that is used in advertising and packaging designs.
“During the search for a contractor, it turned out that there were practically no companies on the market that had sufficient competencies to provide the necessary service. Eventually, we signed a development contract with EDISON.”
C++ and Java are predecessors of С#, which is why they are alike in syntax and certain other components. But thanks to a number of innovations, С# is safer and more efficient. The process of building in C# is easier than in C++ and more flexible than in Java. There are no separate header files, and methods and types do not require a specific declaration order. The source file in a C# program can define any number of classes, structures, interfaces and events.
C# characteristics:
- Strict static typing
- Polymorphism and operator overload support
- XML commenting functionality
- Encapsulation and inheritance support
- Universal method, type and iterator support
Bill Gates has said that .NET was Microsoft's greatest creation. In truth, the .NET framework is a powerful portable platform which supports several programming languages (F#, C#, C++, VB.NET). For the languages it supports, .NET is a unified library of classes, providing the basis for the following technologies: WPF (for the creation of graphic applications), ADO.NET (for database work), and ASP.NET (for website builds).